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Главная » 2012 » Декабрь » 22 » Heavenly Father’s Science for Golden Age Epoch on Planet Earth
Heavenly Father’s Science for Golden Age Epoch on Planet Earth
 Heavenly Father’s Science for Golden Age Epoch on Planet Earth is a system of innovative knowledge and methods of improvement of man’s thinking and world outlook meant for modulation of evolutionary process of life on Planet Earth.

Authors and developers.
  Fathers and Creators, who created forms of Life evolving on Planet Earth: souls, technologies of their conjugation, genetic modulations, systems of econometric origins and material area of their manifestation.

1. The withdrawal of society from the degradation and innovational pit that have appeared as a result of interruption of a highly liquid interrelation between humankind and the Highest Mind that performs the moderation of the development of the World Building and is a source of progressive and evolutionary technologies on Planet Earth.
2. The Rebirth of evolutionary movement of humankind as a form of Life and the modulation of the growth and development of the conjugated with it forms of Life on Planet Earth, the renewal of the streams of the implementation of innovations for Earthmen with Highest Mind’s knowledge.

  Teaching man the Third language - the telepathic connection with the Highest Mind in order to learn and observe Laws according to which Planet Earth was created and the order of evolution was provided for souls in human form of body.

1. The rehabilitation of the correlation of souls with the Highest Mind and the transformation of low spiritual composite blocks of consciousness that are the factors of crisis and slowdown of the  development of humankind into highly spiritual knowledge, that is the base for formation of uninterrupted innovational process.
2. The preparation of highly spiritual competent personnel and placing them on the key points of growth and development of society followed by training and retraining of all its members. 
3. The organization of the research platform that makes it possible to carry out innovative developments in all spheres of human life and implement them into the systems of social living in order to provide permanent evolutionary process.
4. Establishing the system of highly efficient legislative and law executive institutions, regulating the development of individual and collective processes that at present have certain destructions induced by corresponding condition of their producers.
5. The modulation of highly liquid social, economic and other public processes that are life-supporting and reproducing highly liquid forms of relationships of subjects of social life.
6. Satisfaction of the state need of new technologies, the lack of which was formed because of unpreparedness of society for permanent reproduction of own effective knowledge and presence of regressive tendencies that increase the potential and capitalization of negative phenomena.

Scope of application.
   All spheres of human society that exist at present and demand highly spiritual modernization and also the ones to be established in future for organization of stable social development. 

Категория: Heavenly Father’s Science for Golden Age Epoch on Planet Earth | Просмотров: 1600 | Добавил: ProstoMary

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